Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lincoln's Assassination

I cannot believe our president is gone. Though we were not close, I like to think I called him friend.

If only his body guard would have stayed with our president, or Mr. Lincoln had decided that he did not want to see a play this evening after all, we may still have our great leader.

I will be sorely miss him.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Surrender at Appomattox

The war is over!
The South surrendered!
Our brothers and sons are coming home. Today is a day for rejoicing!

We must remember, though, that all our brothers are coming home--even those who did not fight for what we agree with. We should welcome all back because everyone has suffered greatly.

Soon, we might know what it is to be a complete nation whose parts love another, again! Let us celebrate!



Another great victory for the North! We have taken the Mississippi and effectively cut the South in half. It shall be much harder for their troops to communicate with each other or to get supplies. The Confederates surely must surrender soon.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009


At last, a serious victory for the North! General Meade's direction of our troops in conjunction with General Lee's mistakes in his direction forced the Confederates to retreat. It has been a landslide victory for the Union. Surely, this battle is a turning point. The end of the war is in sight! Soon, our boys will come home.

Alas, even in this time for celebration, we must still remember all who will not return--even those who are not fighting to preserve our dear Union, for they are our brothers. Gettysburg has been the biggest and bloodiest battle yet. I think, though, that this battle has signaled a fast approaching end to the violence.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was shocked at the Confederate victory at Chancellorsville. We preformed so brilliantly at the beginning of this war, and now the South is making a fool of the North. What has happened to the powerful Union? And what of this battle? Was General Hooker overconfident? Were our soldiers tired? We must not underestimate the South again and crush them into dust. Hopefully this defeat was enough to remind our boys of what they are fighting for and to renew their fervor. The Union must prevail!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Emancipation Proclamation

Today, our great president emancipated the slaves. I admire his bravery to finally confront the issue and I commend him for doing what is morally correct and not what is easy. He will forever be remembered because of his dedication to equality.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Dead of Antietam

It is a terrible thing to photograph men eating, sleeping, and digging trenches only to later capture their lifeless bodies. This is a lesson I learned well after the battle. I saw more blood on that battlefield than I ever wish to see again, though I know this is not the end.

Today, I brought the atrocity of war to the people. I posted photos taken from the Battle of Antietam on the door of my New York Gallery. The public is astounded at aftermath of this single battle. It is good that they know now the monstrosity that is war. God bless the family and friends of all those fallen and wounded. May they have peace, and may our country soon find peace.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Battle of Bull Run

I organized twenty teams of photographers whose pictures I plan to assemble in a collection documenting the war. I wish to document not the stratagems of men and troop movements, for these things are recorded by others. Rather, it is my aim to bring to the people "the results of war: the ravages on man and landscape, the toll taken on human faces, human bodies, and in human hearts."

Today's battle nearly ended my operation before it had a chance to begin. I was nearly captured by the Confederate Army while photographing the battle of Bull Run. Luckily, I was able to remove myself from the situation before I was made one of the first prisoners of war.

Imagine the violence required to render a place quiet and lifeless.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fort Sumter Attacked

It appears that our once great nation, now divided, is warring with itself. I will bring this to those who would not otherwise know the horror of war. I will bring this to mothers, daughters, sisters, lovers, and all others who cannot fight. I will document this war so that future generations will remember how their ancestors faught. I will photograph the battles and bodies. I cannot allow this to be forgotten.

My family and friends do not support me in this, as the financial burden will be heavy and the mission is dangerous, but "I [must] go. A spirit in my feet [says] 'Go,'" and I will heed it.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today, Lincoln was elected! Our hard work was rewarded, at last!

Having photographed Mr. Lincoln on several occations, I have come to call him a good friend. His victory warms my heart, and I wish him the best of luck in his presidency.

I am so happy to have helped bring Mr. Lincoln to this point. Printing my portraits greatly aided his campaign. I helped bring his face and message to the people of this nation.

Mr. Lincoln went as far as to announce "'Brady made me President!'", but I was simply filling an "obligation to my country to preserve the faces of its historic men and mothers".


